After placing this order, our staff will update the total price due to some item prices may vary, you will then receive an emailed invoice from us, it will include an Order Number, and please make payment with your Order Number in the memo:

Chase Quickpay or Zelle to Kazys Gourmet)

Please don’t pay till you get final invoice .



下单完成后,我们的工作人员会审核你的订单,并在在更新总价后(由于部分商品价格随实际重量浮动),会发 Invoice 到你的邮箱,届时请根据上面显示的总额用以下渠道支付:

Chase Quickpay or Zelle to Kazys Gourmet)

**切记写上你的 Order Number 让我们核对,谢谢。**请不要提前付款!直到收到更新重量后的单据!谢谢!

Sugarland, Katy, Cypress, Houston, Chinatown, TMC 等地区…🈵️$100即可送货上门

Woodland, Spring, Pearland, Nasa, College Station, Lake Jackson 等地区 🈵️$150起送货上门


The door-to-door delivery is non-contact delivery. The driver will ring the doorbell or contact via phone to arrange the delivery.Our drivers will wear disposable mask gloves to ensure hygiene and safety. It is recommended to put a cooler in front of the door to your house. We will ask the driver to put it directly on the cooler to avoid contact.

网站上订单生成后,用 Quickpay付款,请注明订单号!下完单后1-2 天收到货!

Once we receive the order, we will finalize it and send back a final invoice. All payments will be made via Quickpay. You should receive products within 1-2 business days after payment has been received.

请于提交订单之前,仔细确认个人信息是否正确。送货地址,公寓房号,配送日期,联系电话(美国号码)电子邮箱,大门有门禁的需提供门禁密码 Gate Code

Please make sure all personal information, Name, Address, Phone Number and Email Address are inputted correctly, If there are any gates on your property, please note that there is a gate and provide an access code for said gate in the address when placing order.


Once the Final Invoice has been Emailed, the order cannot be changed or modified. Once you receive the Final Invoice, please promptly send payment, after 3 days of an invoice not being paid, your order will be canceled.


Once Product is received, please overlook all products within your order, and make sure it matches what you ordered. If there is an issue, please contact Customer Service within 5 hours of when product has been received. If there were any damaged or unusable goods, please make sure to provide pictures and keep the original packaging and we will issue refunds. We will only issue refunds for non-quality reasons.


Please contact Customer Service if you would like the delivery to be placed at a later date, otherwise Drivers will bring the product back. If you specify to the driver to place it in a area, and the product is thawed, or damaged due to being left out too long, we will not issue refunds.